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Are you in the need for a ramped-up exciting announcer for one of your sporting events for PA/TV/Radio?
Or maybe you’re in the need for a professional voice tracked, edited & produced commercial for your events or business, I can be able to help you.
Have an event or banquet you need to have emceed? I'm you guy to help make it special & capture the emotional connection that those ceremonies mean.
I have an itinerary weekly schedule to make sure that I can book & help prepare in making your event, business & venue well-promoted to be a success.
Need some media contributor work done with social, media marketing or editorial writings for series, driver, business or events? I can do that too.
Just contact me & let's get started.
By: Wesley Outland April, 18th 2020 No first off this is not just talking about Motorsports, but for a majority of my announcing career it’s primarily been in that. But…
Richmond, KY – The FASTRAK Racing Series powered by Chevrolet Performance is set to return to action after the successful $50,000 to win World Championship to the Bluegrass State for…
There are so many prestigious events across the Country that pay big moolah for the big boys and bad toys of 800+ horsepower Super Late Models – Dirt Late Model…
In my career spanning of 23 years announcing Motorsports I have seen positive & negative influence for our passion (racing) we love. There was a time that I’d literally enjoy…